Road Rage. Just mentioning the word sends shivers down our spines. Yet, there’s also a rising case of “parking rage”. We’ve chosen to tackle this issue since most of us have been victims of such thoughtless culprits. Think back to a time when you couldn’t park because someone had hogged two spots.
Perhaps you couldn’t access a path or even your driveway because of an inconsiderate motorist. Sometimes you don’t get the opportunity to face off with the offending driver and give them a piece of your mind. The next best thing is penning down your sentiments. Here are a couple of windshield notes that have gone viral!
Straight To The Point
Anyone who has ever had to navigate their vehicle through snow and ice knows how brutal it can get. That doesn’t give anyone an excuse to park inconsiderately, though. If there’s a time to be more mindful, it’s in such weather conditions.
We imagine that someone just about had it with this inconsiderate motorist and politely decided to tell them to change their ways. Mother nature did half the work by providing a snow-filled windshield. That way, the author of the note could leave their justifiable message in a temporary form. We hope that the culprit received the message.
When Parking Is A Natural Disaster
Natural disasters are no laughing matter, just think back to when Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc in Louisana back in 2005. The tropical cyclone left behind damage worth an estimated $125 billion. with the hardest-hit area being New Orleans and its surroundings.
The windshield note above reads more like a dad joke, and the reference to the costliest hurricanes in American history goes to show how terrible the culprit had parked. In our opinion, the author could have used any other appropriate analogy, but we are sure the offending driver got the message loud and clear.
A Daring Game invitation
There’s one reason why we have to tip our hats to windshield scribes, most find the most creative references to pass a simple message across. Case in point is the above windshield author who must be a huge horror movie fan.
They literally borrowed a leaf from the rather disturbing horror film Saw, which popularized the statement “I want to play a game.” The movie, as we all know, was about a psychopath who inflicts torture on strangers. Above, it seems like the vehicle owner just about had it with tickets, and they are warning the traffic warden to tread carefully.
The Dreaded Yellow Slip
Talking about tickets, they can ruin your day and leave you with hefty fines to pay. In San Francisco, for instance, obstructing traffic can attract as much as a $1,000 fine. In Chicago, you’ll have to part with a $200 fine for the violation of parking at a designated spot for disabled motorists.
Anyone who has ever gotten a ticket is familiar with the yellow slip flapping on the windshield. That’s the kind of scare factor the author above went for. It turns out that the driver had parked where they shouldn’t have. Lucky for them, the tow truck didn’t get to their vehicle first.
A Special Parking Spot
There are people who are so inconsiderate when parking, and they make you wonder if parking etiquette should be a course taught in driving school. Some people are just oblivious to the fact that they are inconveniencing others when they choose to hog two parking spots.
Take the driver above as a case study, they must have felt entitled in some way and someone decided to point it out to them. We imagine it was another motorist who couldn’t find somewhere decent to park. That's because the offending culprit misused the available space. The message couldn’t be any louder than creating a customized spot for the culprit.
Park Elsewhere, Maybe?
Some people are so inconsiderate when parking that they make you wonder if parking etiquette should be a course taught in driving school. They're just so oblivious to the fact that they are inconveniencing others when they choose to hog two parking spots.
Take the driver above as a case study, they must have felt entitled in some way and someone decided to point it out to them. We imagine it was another motorist who couldn’t find somewhere decent to park. That's because the offending culprit misused the available space. The message couldn’t be any louder than creating a customized spot for the culprit.
Practice Makes Perfect
We were all toddlers at one point, and for most of us, the initial lessons we learned involved coloring books. The whole point was to learn to “stay within the line”. Who knew that it would be applicable years later when we are full-fledged drivers?
This windshield scribe figures that the vehicle owner might need to revisit the highly important rudimentary lesson of staying within the line. Judging from the fact that this is a printed note, this driver might be a repeat offender when it comes to repeated cases of inconsiderate parking.
Don't Block Our Driveway, Maybe
Yet again we come across a re-appropriation of Carly Rae Jepsen’s famous hit, Call Me Maybe. Thinking about it, the lyrics function as the best ice breakers for people who don’t quite know what they should write in a letter.
This windshield complaint puts a smile on our face because who can be angry at a note that’s worded with a pop culture reference? We hope that the offending driver eventually stopped blocking their neighbor’s driveway. After all, when a note ends up pasted on a windshield, it means that the offense has happened repeatedly.
Have Some Mercy
Parking tickets can ruin your life, we kid you not. The weight of debts already weight heavy for most, and the last thing you need is that yellow slip adding to the burden. Ticket wardens can show some leniency and it all starts with asking them to cut you some slack.
This driver probably knew that they were going to receive another ticket because their car insurance sticker hadn’t come through yet. So they put their negotiation skills to use and penned down a note asking for sympathy. We can’t imagine that there’s a ticket master who would dare pile onto this driver’s woes.
Grumpy Cat Doesn't Like Parking Spot Thieves
It is about time we started listing the type of windshield scribes we have come across. We dub the one above an artistic complainant because they decided to use a viral figure to get his point across.
Grumpy Cat blew up on the interwebs with his piercing gaze screaming disapproval used to tell someone that you are not happy with their actions. The image is the perfect way to tell this parking spot stealing culprit that they've made the author extremely angry. In the meantime, all we can do is wait for fines to be introduced for drivers who steal parking spots.
The Last Warning
This windshield author falls in the kind category because they chose to forgive the driver who wronged them yet another time. We now want to dig into a comprehensive study (if that exists) penned down by a psychologist explaining why some people repeatedly keep stealing parking spots.
If you've ever been towed, you must know that you'll have to part with an unplanned amount to get your vehicle back. While the windshield scribe has had it with the parking spot stealer, they decided to spare them one more time from the wrath of being towed.
Autobots Unleashed
We can agree that not everyone is gifted with the art of penning down compelling letters, but this artistic scribe knows their audience. The message is loud enough and crystal clear—execute a better parking job next time.
You have to be a fan of the Transformers and Optimus Prime, in particular, to truly appreciate the reference. The fictional protagonist from the highly popular film franchise is the leader of the Autobots and he isn't afraid to take on Megatron, his mortal enemy. Let's just say you wouldn't want him calling his crew to rollout on you.
It Takes A Map To Get It Right
Ever heard a statement start with the words "you don't need a map to…" when talking about how easy it is to do something? Well, it turns out that some people literally need a map drawn out to explain to them how to get the most basic things right.
The work of Picasso above instructs a terrible parker on how to get it right next time. The wit and informativeness make the note even more engaging. We must admit that we've also learned a thing or two from the cleverly written parking instructions.
Some People Are Better Off Taking The Bus
The windshield author above falls in the marketing category. We can't imagine that he works anywhere other than the printing or publishing field. They decided to tell off an offending driver in a classy driver, and while at it, we think they must have drummed up business for their card printing company.
The font choice, simplicity, and even spacing are right on spot. If we were in the market for any type of cards, we would go to this windshield author. At the same time, we know that the recipient of this well-crafted card received the message clearly.
See Something, Say Something
See something, say something. Those are words that not too many people live by until they are victims of an incident where an eyewitness speaking up could help. The author of this note receives the windshield eyewitness hero award from us for saying something.
The Good Samaritan saw a Grey Mazda back into another vehicle and bail. The level of detail and information they've provided is impressive given that it all happened at 12.30 a.m. when the victim must have been fast asleep. We also think it would be a huge twist if the offending driver is the one who creatively owned up to their crime.
Don't Cross The Lannisters
We are still not quite over Game Of Thrones, even after the underwhelming last season aired in 2019. Hardcore fans of the show can’t quit using famous statements or references from the show in real-life situations. If anything, it keeps the show alive and it’s highly entertaining.
Take the windshield writer above who must have rooted for the Lannisters who had a reputation of always paying their debts both literally and figuratively. They unleashed their vengeful wrath upon their enemies, and that’s the kind of fate this driver risks if they don’t right their wrongs.
P/S I Hate You
They say that you should kill them with kindness and that’s the tone this sarcastic windshield note takes. Having words never takes you far in an argument and neither does writing a harshly-worded note. While the words are more than kind, the overall message is understood and the signatory endnote is quite hilarious.
We can vividly picture the offending driver moving this guy’s trash cans so that they can park where they shouldn’t. Again, it must be a repeat occurrence to have pushed this guy to take to pen down their grievances. We all know the definition of insanity, and when someone repeatedly parks where they know they shouldn’t it's plain insanity.
The Kit Kat Bandit
A Kit Kat bandit was on the loose and they had the decency of owning up to the crime they committed. We can’t imagine which was worse for the driver; realizing that they had forgotten to lock their vehicle or that someone had tinkered around it.
There’s no justifiable reason why the Kit Kat bandit felt compelled to try and see if the vehicle door was open. On the other hand, his actions suggest that he really didn’t mean any harm and they might have genuinely been hungry as they’ve claimed. Thankfully, no harm, besides the lost treat, came out of the incident.
Animal Rights Activists Keep Off!
There’s nothing worse than being stuck in a vehicle on a sweltering hot day. Now imagine when you see a pet locked up in an automobile for whatever reason. Lives have been lost this way, but more have been saved thanks to the quick action of concerned passersby.
This vehicle owner must have had his window broken previously or heard of such things happening. They decided to leave a preventative note behind just in case an animal rights activist passed by and mistakenly thought that Fido needed help. We are just curious to know what kind of music Fido enjoys.
Gantz No Happy With Parking Stealers
If you’ve never used memes, what century are you living in? The rest of us meme addicts can remember yet another popular one, Y U No. The subject of the viral meme is a Japanese sci-fi cartoon, Gantz, who functions as the perfect poster image to call out people for questionable actions.
We aren’t surprised that Gantz ended up on a windshield to tell a neighbor or perhaps workmate that they should know better and park in their rightful spot. Humor always takes the day, and the driver should just be thankful that it’s all they got out of their horrible actions.nn
Civilized Mr. T-Rex
We have all been disrupted at some point by a blaring alarm system, and it’s far much worse when it happens in the dead of the night. There’s always that one vehicle that has an alarm that goes off when it shouldn’t.
Such vehicle owners also notoriously never respond to their vehicles’ anti-theft alert when they know it’s as a result of a malfunction. That’s why Sir Tyrannosaurus Rex decided to speak up to compel the culprit into action. We also think that their note is one of the most civilized we’ve seen on windshields.
The Path Parker
We all have that one neighbor or workmate who for some reason will always park across the path. We think that there should be a name for this disorder, there’s just no way this many people can lack a sense of sensibility.
If they ended up in a daytime TV court show we imagine they’ll receive a punishment that’s equal to their crime. Such inconsiderate drivers should face a similar inconvenience they subject others and most definitely have their driving privileges revoked for a certain period until they learn some parking etiquette.
Potato Clan Protest
We don’t know how to feel about this one. The potato heads are both hilarious and freakishly weird! The person who worked on them is undoubtedly talented because they are essentially art pieces. That’s why we are also angered by the offending driver’s poor parking choices.
We think that the author might have carved the potatoes as a form of therapy for the immense anger they felt towards this driver. We have to repeat it again. When someone writes a note, they have been pushed to the limit. We hope that the culprit changed their ways and that they didn’t discard the artistic pieces.
Nightmarish Set Of Skills
There’s simply no one who hasn’t watched Taken, at least that’s what we want to believe. Well, if you’ve enjoyed the thriller, you can remember the iconic lines that Liam Neeson’s character directs at his daughter’s kidnappers.
The note captures the words Neeson’s character delivered in the movie. Who knew that the monologue could be applicable in the real world? We would have paid to be a fly on the windshield of this driver to witness how they reacted to the chilling note. We bet he never caused any trouble after that.
Dogg, Quit Parking In My Spot!
Sometimes one wrong can push you to commit a crime right within your neighborhood. The windshield scribe above seems to have been pushed to the brink by the vehicle owner who can’t seem to stop parking on his spot.
It looks like he used some type of paint to leave his message behind because he wanted to make sure that it grabs the culprit’s attention. We imagine he received it loud and clear with the clean up that followed afterward. We hope that at the very least that they used washable paint to pen down the message.
Fancy Parking Skills
Who wouldn’t love to walk into a dealership and drive out with the car of their dreams? For most of us, anything that can get us from point A to B is good enough. Then there are those who can afford the fancy vehicles, but usually, such drivers often have a reputation.
Take the blue BMW owner above who selfishly decided to take up two spots. We imagine they must have done it intentionally to prevent another vehicle from parking next to them and potentially causing accidental bumps and scratches. There’s always room to be considerate about others.
Office Joe Doesn't Approve Of Parking Spot Theft
We must admit that the windshield messages that include an artistic element to them are amongst our favorites. Above, the author uses yet another viral figure for reference using the stick figure to tell off a parking spot stealer.
We all know that workmate who often has a cup of joe in his hand and leans over your desk to share some words of wisdom. The note above is spot-on in capturing the wise stick figure, and we highly approve. We are just surprised that people don’t respect parking etiquette—even at the office.
The Parking Orientation
After reading the windshield letter above, we have come to a few conclusions. The person who penned it is either an educator or a human resource professional. They took the time to come up with illustrations that give a visual image of their complaint.
It can’t be the first time that the culprit has parked at an angle, and after being inconvenienced far too many times, this windshield scribe did something about it. We appreciate how they’ve even outlined the possible ways the driver can ensure that they park correctly. This is one note we would file because it is genuinely helpful.
The Rude Awakening
There are some people who deserve what they have coming to them, we dare say. It’s never fair. But when you get the full back story, it’s often understandable why someone would take matters into their own hands.
The inconsiderate driver above must be a repeat offender when it comes to hogging two parking spots. Someone was greatly inconvenienced, perhaps for the umpteenth time, and they were forced by circumstances to dent and leave scratches on the offending vehicle. This might just have been the rude awakening the culprit needed to change their ways.
Straight To The Point
Simplicity always wins, and the windshield note above keeps it brief. The elaborate messages can be entertaining. But for someone who just doesn’t have the time to pen down one, a short note still gets the point across.
It must have been raining, and the driver decided to go in a way that accorded them a shorter escape from the downpour. We also get why the author didn’t feel it was necessary to add any pleasantries or polite words like “please.” Such words would only be lost on someone who doesn’t extend the courtesy of parking properly.
The Shoveled Parking Spot Thief
If there’s a time of the year when it’s easy for tempers to flare, it is winter. The conditions affect just about everything, including where you park your vehicle. Now, picture doing the heavy lifting and shoveling the snow off of a parking spot only for another vehicle to steal the spot.
If there’s a time when everyone should be more mindful, it is when temperatures drop. However, the vehicle owner above must have missed the memo. Lucky for them, they only got a note posted on their side mirror from the aggrieved individual.
A Scoopful Of Tragedy
If there’s a crime that cuts cold, it is when your perfectly good ice cream treat is ruined because of someone else’s actions. We aren’t talking about a bird scooping down and stealing your cone. It's having the tub of ice cream you bought melt on your way home.
The Nissan Altima owner above caused a chain of events that led to that very same tragedy. They double-parked just to avoid possibly getting their paint job ruined, and while at it, another tenant ended up gravely inconvenienced. We can feel the author’s pain and wish the same fate befalls the Altima owner every time they want to enjoy some ice cream.
Vandals Beware
The note above isn’t exactly left for a parking violator or those pesky traffic wardens, but it deserves a place on this list. We can relate to having our prized set of wheels vandalized from having the paint job scratched down to losing parts like the side mirrors or wheels.
Worst yet is when your vehicle is broken into one too many times, and they probably just had it with fixing their broken window That’s the reason why they figured that they should alert any other potential vandal that they don’t have anything of value in the vehicle.
Park With Manners
This one cracked us up because we know how sardines come packed up in cans. It paints an image of a vehicle owner who parked too close to another, or perhaps, barely left room for anyone else to park.
We understand that parking is an art that takes a while for some people to master. However, there’s always the option of asking for some help to get it right from just about anyone nearby. We understand why the inconvenienced Brit—we assume the author is British from the slang use—wouldn’t allow it to slide by.
Signed, The Apartment Complex Residents
Vehicles help us solve the problem of getting about, but at the same time, they are potentially lethal weapons. Even stationary vehicles can prove hazardous when for some reason they start leaking gasoline. It’s quite rare, but it could happen, and it must have gotten quite serious for residents of this apartment complex to take note.
However, the placement of this note makes us raise our eyebrows because most windshield photos we’ve seen are snapped precisely where they were placed. Seems like whoever left it might have potentially broken into the vehicle to send a stronger message.
From Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman
If only our friendly neighborhood Spiderman took it upon themselves to iron out all parking violations, the world would be a much better place. Fortunately, they have gotten the ball rolling by trying to get one parking violator at a time to change their ways.
It’s also one of the politest windshield notes we’ve seen and written in good spirit. The author points out how the offending vehicle could benefit the rest of humanity by lowering their parking consumption. They remind the culprit that their vehicle can easily fit in one space, and we agree.
Case Of The Squirrels
There are some windshield notes that leave us quite puzzled, and this is one of them. Someone saw the need to alert a driver that they had witnessed squirrels mating on their vehicle. We don’t imagine that such an action would have caused the vehicle any damage that would warrant an eye witness report.
Regardless, the author saw something, and they figured that it was their responsibility to say something. We can’t imagine that the driver did anything much other than taking their vehicle for a wash and sharing the note online. Because of this, we might be able to help him decode the motive behind it.
Parking Spot Thieves Need A Paddlin'
The Simpsons is the longest-running animated sitcom that has been on our screens since the late ‘80s. Fans of the show can identify the character drawn on the windshield note above. Jasper Beardly is the grumpy, principled guy who is also known for dishing out justice when necessary.
Beardly is a befitting character to include on a windshield note along with his catchphrase, “that’s a paddlin’.” It tells the person who parked in someone else’s parking spot that they may face the same form of justice if they don’t quit parking where they shouldn’t.
An Additional Spot
We dub the above author a windshield poet because of their clever play of words. Who said that you can’t give back to inconsiderate vehicle owners? The scribe above proves that there’s always room to offer them figurative gifts in the hopes that it passes a message.
The parking spot hog now has an imaginary pup called Spot because they just couldn’t stick to using up one. The note serves as a kick in the teeth for the vehicle owner who might have thought at first glance that someone was genuinely offering them a dog.
A Not So Merry Parking Affair
You better be watchful throughout the year because a certain man who lives in the North Pole is very watchful. Santa keeps an eye out for anyone who is being naughty, and they can be sure to miss out on Christmas gifts at the end of the year.
A reminder was well in order for a truck driver who decided to park at a stall meant for smaller vehicles. That meant that they ended up going over the line into the next stall, subsequently robbing another vehicle of a parking spot. We particularly love how the windshield author threw on a Santa costume and took a photo to accompany the note.
Free Bread
The driver of the vehicle above must have had mixed reactions when they realized that something was stuck on their windshield. The driver might have even missed the note and slices of bread until they got behind the wheel. But who wouldn't immediately notice such unusual gifts?
Maybe the whole point of including the slices of bread was to attract some birds of prey. Those would have probably left behind a rather nastier gift for the vehicle owner. Either way, we are sure that the vehicle owner was served the message they needed to stop parking in that particular area.
The Inconsiderate Parker's Prize
Getting any sort of award means that other people have recognized your hard work and talent. However, there are certain situations when you wouldn’t exactly want to receive such one. For instance, no one wants to get the inconsiderate "parkers prize" above.
The word Congratulations written in caps must have caught the driver’s attention. Maybe they thought that they had won something of substance. As they kept on reading the rest of the message in small print, they realized that someone noticed that they had taken up two parking spots for over a month.
No Excuse For Terrible Parking
We have to give it to the windshield scribes who go out of their way to print out their notes. The author above went for a weird yet hilarious gimmick to lodge their complaint about an inconsiderate driver’s parking.
They point out that the person must have either been blindfolded or attacked by a ferret to explain how they ended up executing a poor parking job. There’s quite a long list of animals that could have been used as a reference, but for some reason, the scribe thought that a ferret was most befitting.
Be Considerate To Others You Pig!
Another printed windshield note that caught our attention is the one above. After all, it starts out with poetical alliteration. It starts off by telling the recipient in a rhythmic way that they are a parking pig. It doesn’t get any better after the explosive opening.
The author reminds the inconsiderate person that neighbors need the additional parking space they’ve been selfishly hogging. They actually imply that the inconvenience literally ends up being costly for others. It’s undoubtedly a message that hits hard, and we think the note would have had the same effect without the pig reference.
You Got Lucky
It’s a bit hard to make out the word after “you should be”, and the rest of the message explains it all. Another read, and we get it. The author says that the driver should probably get towed for parking where they have, but they are too tired to bother with it.
It seems like the offending vehicle is probably blocking a driveway, and the owner had every right to get them towed. They must have been back home from a long day’s work, and they probably didn’t want to do much else than rest.