Flying. You either like it or you don’t. There’s a long list of things that could go wrong, but we never really want to entertain those thoughts. The upside of flying is the fact that it’s always a new experience, and there’s always something to share out of it.
Best yet are the countless photos shared on Social Media that capture some eyebrow-raising moments. We're talking about those out-of-the-norm moments that might make you feel like you walked right into an episode of The Twilight Zone. Spoiler alert! Some of these epic flight photos might just put a smile on your face.
First Class Panda
Don’t be deceived by what you’ve watched on Kung Fu Panda, the cuddly-looking creatures don’t exactly mingle with humans. They spend their days in Bamboo forests at 4000 to 13,000 feet elevations. Well, planes can go up to 30,000 feet, so perhaps the panda above feels right at home.
This cute cub was actually on its way to a United States zoo. One corporate sponsor of a panda sanctuary in Cheng Du is China Airlines. So, they gladly helped with the transfer. We wonder if they provided a special in-flight bamboo meal for the panda, though?
Penguins All Aboard!
Not everyone gets a chance to convene with nature as often as they should or even drop by the zoo or aquarium. Most of us have an African safari listed on our bucket list. But before that happens, we are happy enough to see some flora and fauna around us.
The passengers of this flight were treated to quite the spectacle when suddenly, penguins started waddling their way through the center aisle. The special passengers were making their way to first class. They were part of the Frozen Planet series, a joint production between the Discovery Channel and BBC.
A Solo Flying Experience
What's better than flying first class? Ask this guy and he'll tell you that it's the very rare opportunity to fly solo. Apart from the flight crew, he was the only passenger aboard a 160-seat Delta flight.
The thoughts we have flying around our heads about his experience are endless. He must have had more than enough legroom and a helping of as many in-flight treats as he wanted. Obviously, he must have received beyond first class service as well. Not to forget that he had access to all the fresh pillows he wanted!
Who Says Turkeys Can't Fly?!
These passengers had the experience of sharing the same plane with a turkey. Yes, a live turkey that was accompanying one of the passengers. Therapy comes in all shapes and sizes, and all that's required to get them an emotional support animal on board is a go signal from the airline.
We hate to say it, but some people might have given the turkey some side-eyes, particularly if the menu that day wasn't the best. We also hope that the turkey was a tame one because we believe that they can make quite the noise and mess with passengers.
You... Swine!
It's starting to seem like it's a jungle up in the skies. Just imagine a flight with several passengers who have their emotional support pets accompanying them. One might have a French bulldog, another a parrot, and the next a swine.
Pigs aren't particularly known for their hygiene, and they are always on the move foraging around for food. This one looks rather tame, and yes, it's also a cute one. As a pet, its owner must take great care of it. We just hope that it had enough supply of meals throughout the flight.
Keep Your Cheeseburger Close
The great thing about flying on a plane that's not full is the fact that you can enjoy more room. You also don't have to worry about who'll take the seat next to you. The guy above made sure that he won't have that problem by strapping in his best bud.
He must really love cheeseburgers and wanted to make sure that it enjoyed the smoothest ride possible. Another passenger was compelled to pay for in-flight WiFi so that they could tweet the photo. We'd like to thank @davidfarrier for this epic snap.
Late For Winter Migration
We are now curious about the criteria that airlines set when accepting emotional support pets on board. Take this passenger, for instance. They made sure that their furry companion was all set for their flight.
The duck is leashed, which means that it won't wander around the cabin like they are known to do. Its webbed feet are also protected by a pair of comfy socks. This isn't something you see every day! Beyond calming its owner, we're sure that the duck was also a delightful sight for other passengers on board.
Bullseye In The Sky
Anyone who has ever come across a Target ad is familiar with their mascot Bullseye. The super cute pup first appeared in Target's "Signs Of The Times" campaign back in 1999. Since then, he's been seen at store openings, on the red carpet, and now, even on planes.
We're not sure if this is really Bullseye or someone just decided to paint the Target symbol on their dog just for fun. Someone on Reddit just posted this photo that his dad apparently took on a flight. The dog looks extremely calm, though.
Going Far And Beyond
Flights can be long, and sometimes, even in-flight entertainment isn't enough to pass the time. The best way to get through a flight is to catch some much-needed rest. Sleeping on a plane isn't the most comfortable thing to do, but with some help, it's possible.
That's why you'll often spot passengers with travel pillows because they help with achieving enhanced comfort. There are some peculiar travel pillows out there like the one above. Apparently, they go for $100, and despite making you look goofy, they block out noise and light. They look super comfortable too!
The Pilot's Cockpit, Where Living Is Easy...
Believe it or not, pilots do sleep mid-flight, and they are allowed to catch some snooze time. They do have to follow strict rules before slipping into slumber, though, either by going for the ‘Controlled Rest” or “Bunk Rest” options.
Above we see the pilot chose the Controlled Rest option, and he’s enjoying a shut-eye session right at the cockpit. It must have been a short flight, otherwise, he would’ve gone for the Bunk rest option and slept in the passenger cabin on a seat specifically reserved for pilots. We now have a better understanding of what’s going on in the photo above, and it no longer gives us anxiety.
Flying With Jiminy Cricket?
Walter “Walt” Disney is forever credited for pioneering the animation industry in America. We can thank the Disney Brothers Studio, now known as The Walt Disney Company, that he set up for classics like Cinderella and Dumbo.
As an animator and film producer, Disney was always hard at work, and that’s what he seems to be doing in the photo above. The fact that he has a typewriter with him on a flight isn’t what catches our attention. He seems to have taken the flight with one of his creations—Jiminy Cricket, the talking cricket.
A Flight With A Kick
If you think you've seen it all when it comes to animal flyers, then you haven't boarded a plane with a kangaroo. Honestly, we're now curious about the list of pets that qualify as emotional support pets. This kangaroo's owner must have had to buy an extra seat, too.
There are several upsides to having him aboard, though. For instance, if he needed some extra place for his carry on luggage, he literally had an extra pouch at hand! Having a kangaroo on board is also a rather nice icebreaker when interacting with the crew.
The Vantage Point
The one thing most people don't particularly like about flying is the other passengers. You meet all sorts of people, and every flight always has that one person who is bound to have a meltdown. Among the list, toddlers are the toughest passengers to share a flight with.
This dad looks like he had his hands full on this flight. He has his two little ones aboard, and we know it must have been taxing. It seems like he finally gave in and allowed the older boy to climb on his back for a better view of other passengers.
Feeling Right At Home
We've said it before, flying can be long and tough. Particularly if you are a frequent traveler and barely get enough rest in between one flight to the next. That's why after the plane takes flight, and the no seat belt sign comes on, most people cozy up for a good sleep.
It's even better when you don't have seatmates because you can hog the entire space for a snooze. The guy above made himself rather too comfortable, though. He even unzipped his pants! He must have felt right at home, which is always a good thing when flying. However, he might've caused quite the spectacle.
Mid-flight Brawl
One of the scenes you might witness on a flight is a fight. Sometimes it's just one passenger who picks a fight with the crew. Often, it's a fight between passengers who just can't seem to hold their dislike for one another for the duration of the flight.
These girls fall in that category, and for whatever reason, they had to duke it out mid-air. We all know that men love a good girl fight, and it's the reason why most of them have their phones out recording the incident. This must have been a tough one to break apart. Yikes!
Flight BFFs
We've talked about toddlers being difficult on flights, but we have to admit that they are not all that bad. They can keep you preoccupied when you catch them staring at you, and do what every adult does—make goofy faces at them.
This toddler made this passenger's day because they made a connection. The baby kept reaching out to hold the passenger's finger, and that kept both of them highly entertained. We are sure that the baby's folks must have appreciated the few moments they had to themselves while their tot was distracted.
Inspired By Katy Perry's Firework
Seeing this photo in the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak, we can appreciate the lengths this passenger went through to protect himself. This might've been well before the crisis, though, so we have to wonder why exactly this passenger felt like they needed to take such drastic measures.
To quote the lyrics from Katy Perry's hit song Firework, "Do you ever feel like a plastic bag…?" Well, this passenger can relate because that's what he's transformed himself into. At this point, we also have to give it to airlines for just how accommodating they are to all sorts of passengers.
Futuristic Scenes From The Jurassic Age
Jurassic Park is on the list of films we can re-watch an endless amount of times because it's just that good. Most of us dinosaur fanatics always feel like we were born in the wrong era. Just picture what life would have evolved into if dinosaurs and man coexisted.
This epic photo gives us a sneak peek into the impossible yet oddly realistic scenes we would be seeing. Tiny dinos would've most likely been popular emotional support pets. We tip our hats to the passenger who managed to snap the cinematic photo.
Outdated Flight Rules
Flying comes with several rules to make sure that an aircraft safely gets to its destination. Flight crews always remind passengers to switch off their electronic gadgets or, at the very least, put them on airplane mode. There are also signs just about everywhere instructing passengers to respect this rule.
Before smart gadgets, people still carried gadgets like typewriters, video cameras, Gameboys, and walkmans with them on flights. It seems like this is one of the older flights that hasn't updated their earning cards yet. The disclaimer warns against the use of older battery-operated gadgets that are no longer in heavy rotation.
Puppet Show On Air
We are warming up more and more to the idea of flying with kids. Regular flyers know that in-flight entertainment can only keep you busy for so long. Well, if you happen to take a seat behind a kid, you are surely in for a treat.
This passenger was treated to a spur of the moment puppet show. The kid put on a customized production of Finding Nemo, and we are sure the passengers treated to the private show appreciated it. They even took a photo to share with the rest of us. We can only hope to share a flight with such an aspiring puppeteer.
Lullaby As We Fly
One look at passengers just settling into a flight, and you'll see the different ways each person chooses to stay entertained. Some will dig into a magazine or a good book. Others will strike up a conversation with their seatmates. Most will just enjoy in-flight entertainment.
Then, there are those who choose to get some work done on the plane. Take this man and his mini piano, for instance. He put in some much needed hours to possibly create some tunes. He must have worn himself out, and he ended up dozing off mid-session.
Lighthearted Safety Procedures And Protocols
Every flight starts with the crew laying out the safety protocols and procedures. They are often straightforward, and as we've mentioned, they remind us in part that planes are not invincible. However, some flight crews take the time to make the rather serious process as lighthearted as possible.
This man, who is notably an American patriot, had the chance to do the honors during a flight. He voiced over the protocols and procedures. It appears that he might have had past experience working for an airline, and his ensemble also made it quite memorable.
No Germs Zone
Once again, we are gobsmacked at just how accurate this photo captures the current state of affairs we are facing. Face masks have become almost a lifeline for most of us as a preventative measure against Covid-19.
Long before that, we have taken a flight with someone who spotted one of these masks. Planes are breeding grounds for germs when you cramp up people in the confined space with cold air conditioning. It isn't uncommon to get out of a flight with a dry throat or even the flu. In light of recent events, we applaud this man for taking the necessary precautions to protect himself.
Airing Dirty Laundry In Public
For years we've seen photos of the peculiar things people do while driving. Some have been snapped tending to some grooming needs like trimming their beards or clipping their nails. It turns out that the particular lot take such habits with them when flying.
This guy, for some reason, just had to dry his socks during the flight. He chose to hang them in the window cover. They're even obstructing his view, and he has to lean forward for some cloud-watching action. At least that's what we believe is the reason why he's leaning forward.
The Flying Pony
We're not nearly done with the list of emotional support pets that have been spotted in flights. We know that animals that provide therapeutic support come in all shapes and sizes. It still doesn't mean that we are quite ready to see some of them on flights.
These passengers managed to have their mini pony fly with them. They are keeping it as close to them as possible, but we do hope that they allowed it to stretch throughout the flight. We just have to wonder what the clean up looks like after a flight with animals.
Cozy Pillow
They say that you shouldn't judge based on looks, but we can't help it sometimes. One look at a biker guy and the thought that comes to mind is a tough person you want to avoid—if you can. This businessman couldn't exactly steer clear of the biker guy in the seat next to his.
This biker guy breaks the image we just described, though. He looks anything but scary in this photo. It must be the flight conditions while cruising the skies that make most people indulge in a deep slumber. At least, he managed to get hold of a cozy pillow at no extra cost.
A Seat For The Cello
We've all seen those viral videos showing how airline staff sometimes mishandle checked-in luggage. That's why it's wise to avoid checking in valuables or fragile items like laptops. Instead, choose to take them with you as carry-on.
This guy truly treasures his cello, and he didn't mind going the extra mile to protect it by buying it a seat on this flight. His seatmate, who took the photo, explained that the flight attendants kept reminding him that he couldn't keep it there. Still, he would promptly produce the ticket showing that the cello was a paid-up passenger.
Always Watching
Tattoos are skin deep, and they say that their significance runs deeper. They are essentially an artistic way of self-expression, and some of the recurring motifs tell us details about the wearer. For instance, barbed wires often mean that the wearer has had a stint in prison.
Eye tattoos typically have a spiritual meaning. For some people, it means that a deceased loved one is watching over them. They can also symbolize clarity, clairvoyance, truth, and protection. We don’t know what the set above represents, but the expression made on the back of the guy’s head is both creepy and a bit funny.
The Hitchhiker
We always believe that airplanes are controlled and are amongst the safest environments you’ll encounter. Whether you see them or not, bugs can lurk around the cabin. The Auburn University researchers found that E. coli can survive for days on different parts of an aircraft.
There’s also the North Carolina couple who sued an airline alleging that they witnessed roaches crawling from air vents and carry-on bins during their flight. We haven’t heard about encounters with spiders, but the photo above somehow makes our skin crawl. We know, or want to believe, that it was a fake spider.
Party In The Skies
Flying was quite different back in the day. Picture being a passenger aboard this pioneering aircraft. Beside just reveling in the groundbreaking experience, passengers celebrated the ability to take to the skies.
The high-powered professionals who flew around in these crafts were known to make a party out of it. For reference, imagine Don Draper from Mad Men and his colleagues on one of these flights. It was a different time that we surely wouldn't mind revisiting. While airlines are much safer now, we dare say they took the fun out of the experience.
Under The Sea
Passengers do behave badly on flights, and we're talking about those who decide to vandalize the plane. We’ve seen those messages etched out on the walls of a plane reading “.... was here.” Passengers are also known to walk away with souvenirs they really shouldn’t take from flights like life jackets.
The photo above captures such an act of vandalism. A passenger stripped off part of the signage at the back of a seat. The strip informs that in the unforeseen event of an emergency, passengers can find the life vest at the bottom of their seats. Now, they might think it's at the bottom of the sea.