You don't have to be a parent to laugh out loud at the hilarious pictures that we have to show you. But if you are, you'll relate very closely. Having kids is one of the hardest yet most rewarding things you can do. For some people, it's the whole justification of life.
Babies come to this world like a blank canvas. It's up to the parents to fill that canvas with a beautiful painting, a good set of ideas and habits. But no matter how hard a parent tries, kids will sometimes step out of line; that's just part of being a kid! And when that happens, we're glad there's a parent there to take a picture and upload it on the Internet.
Falling Out of The Stereotype
Most little girls don't ever miss a chance to dress up as a beautiful princess. But not all kids are the same. For every nine wannabe princesses out there, there's one puppy-loving girl who's willing to go against the establishment. And she will live her truth, even if that means being the only kid at the party who's not showing up in a colorful dress.
Even though she seems kind of odd right now, we're pretty sure this little girl will one day look at this picture with pride. She's not listening to her friends, to media, or the preconceived notions of society. Instead, she's just being herself, and we're pretty sure her parents couldn't be happier.
Boys & Girls
The parents of these two kids are in for a treat. Not only because their daughter was able to find the picture of her lost twin sister in IKEA, but their son is also having a twin-brother experience... with the mirror. Yes, he's that kid in the back, kissing himself the mirror!
If you needed a picture to show that gender shouldn't define a kid, there you have it! Whether they're a little boy or a little girl, one thing's for sure: kids express themselves in a way insecure adults will never be able to.
Blame the Dog
Dogs cannot get enough of eating your kid's homework and making all sorts of messes. This dog, for instance, was apparently responsible for causing mayhem around the house. But is he the real culprit?
Hmm, the kid looks awfully guilty. Is it possible that little Johnny is behind this whole disaster and decided to blame the dog? We're not saying we're Sherlock Holmes, but there's something quite elementary about this case. It seems like not even the poor dog survived Johnny's new redecoration plan.
Beans or Veggies?
Since most kids don't have a job, they need to find something to keep them busy. And, as all parents know, adults end up paying the price. This picture is an excellent example of what happens when your kid is left alone.
Inexplicably frustrated about all the labels in the food cans, he assaulted his parents' pantry and left all evidence of his crime. Now, the adults in the house will spend weeks not knowing whether they're in for beans or vegetables.
A Heart Attack in the Making
The nearly endless list of objects you need to keep away from your baby includes stuff like sharp things, dangerous cleaning products, and prescription drugs. But it's probably time we all add wigs to the list. Otherwise, your kid may end up looking like a character from a Japanese horror movie and cause a heart attack.
We know we must protect our kids from the world. But we must not forget to protect ourselves from our kids! Will all their good intentions, their childish play can end up resulting in something excruciatingly scary.
Giving Up on the Nice Things
Parents hate it when dog-owners compare having a dog with having a kid. But there are some occasions in which having a dog and having a kid doesn't seem so different after all. One thing both parents and dog-owners know about is this: the feeling of getting home to see your brand-new sofa wholly trashed!
Swimming in a sea of foam, these two are never going to pay for a new sofa. As a parent, it's better to simply accept that you need to give up on having nice things.
The 4th Option
Due to their young and imaginative minds, kids can see beyond adults' expectations. While any sane adult would only consider three options in this quiz, a kid decided to go with the fourth. The result is a hilarious answer that gets even better when he draws a circle-shaped dog right below.
We wouldn't apply the adjective "round" to most dogs, but some dogs do have a somewhat circular shape. It seems like little Snoopy here needs to be taking some long walks in the park and start eating more moderately as soon as possible!
Understanding Avant-Garde Art
Pricy art is less about the art itself, and more about the explanation behind it. It's okay to pay millions for an all-black canvas if it happens to represent the void of the modern soul, right? Well, the same principle goes to kid's art.
At first, this butterfly-inspired painting doesn't seem like much. But did you know it was painted using nothing but butt cheeks? Okay, now we're interested! To be fair, this kid has a bright future in the art world. He's already familiar with the inner dynamics of the avant-garde scene.
When 'Elves' Sounds Like 'Elvis'
As grown-ups, parents have a pretty solid idea of what goes on at a school theater. But for a kid, getting a place in the school play is a whole new exciting experience, with no prior reference. So, let's not blame this kid for completely mistaking the word 'elves' for the name 'Elvis'!
In his defense, they do sound similar. Even though he's living the harsh consequences of his blameless mistake, he's also stealing the show from all the other look-alike kids. We see a bright future ahead of you, Mr. Presley!
Just the Right Size
It's impossible to predict every single thing that can go wrong with your kid. But to be aware of every danger lying around, you have to think like a small person. You have to look around for possible threats, wondering, "where would a small kid fit?".
If you don't do so, things like this can happen. This little girl was left without supervision for a second and got herself into a surprising problem. Now she's all screams and tears and asking for mommy's help. Potty training is definitely not going according to plan.
Weird Things That Only Kids Do
Hardly independent, kids tend to want to be in control of their lives. But their priorities don't always make sense. For some reason, this kid decided that drinking from a cup was something he no longer wanted to do. To his parents' desperation, he refused to drink milk from a cup in the morning.
Sometimes, you cannot fight your kids' weird tendencies. The best thing to do is to go along with it and find a way around it. No milk from the cup? You'll have to drink from the plate then!
When Parents Let Kids Decide
Kids don't usually have that much independence. But if there's one day in the year in which a kid's will is king, that day is Halloween. On this particular occasion, parents do their best to fulfill precisely what their kids want, no matter how outrageous or challenging.
No one knows it better than the parents of this little girl. When they asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween, they expected a princess. But they ended up working hard to find; a fart suit. Well, we have at least to give credit for her originality.
Endless Imagination
We know that no one beats a kid at being imaginative. Still, we find some problems understanding some of our kids' weirdest choices. Not complying with the status quo, this little girl wanted to dress up as a princess for Halloween. But not any princess. She wanted to be a warrior princess with a fantasy sword to match.
We get it. The world out there is dangerous for unarmed princesses! There's nothing wrong with carrying some extra protection. But the dark-sword/pink-dress crossover is puzzling enough to make any adult scratch his head.
Too Soon
For a first-born, welcoming a brother or sister to the world can be a traumatic experience. This little girl sure knows about it! It's already tough being forced to share mom and dad's attention with a new being, but now she also has to hold him? That's too much!
These parents were trying to set-up one of those cute family photoshoots with the new baby. But they realized immediately it was better to pass on the tender brother-sister moment. Let's just hope these two will get along better in the future!
Old Meets New
You know you're a good parent if your kid is healthy, well-fed, and still alive! But after completing those not-so-easy basic steps, some parents decide to take education to the next level. So, they introduce their kids to culture.
What they don't know is that by the time kids can talk freely and browse the Internet, they already have a culture of their own. Sure, they probably don't know much about Vincent van Gogh. But they sure know how to work a Snapchat filter!
The Crawling Phase
Newborns spend the day crying, sleeping, eating, and exhausting the parents. All they want him to do is to start getting some independence. But as soon as he starts crawling, they miss out on that little crying newborn immediately.
As soon as babies start learning how to move, that's when the real problems begin! Yesterday, these parents wanted their baby to grow up faster. But now, they're looking back to the good old days of knowing exactly where their baby is.
A minute is Enough!
When babies learn how to walk, parents go crazy with happiness. They share the milestone with their friends and family, and they cannot contain their pride. But soon enough, they learn that a walking baby is also a walking timebomb.
These parents were doing some DIY construction in the backyard and got distracted for one minute. The result? This mess right here. Now they have to start all over again and clean all the fresh concrete out of their child's feet and hands.
Imitation Learning
New to the world, kids like to look up to role models to define their actions and personality. Seeing and copying is one of the fundamental ways in which kids learn how to interact with an unknown reality. Imitation is vital for your kid's progress, but you need to make sure he's imitating the right kind of behavior.
Otherwise, you may end up finding your kid trying to be a cat. Cats are cute and all, but not everything they do is child-appropriate. What's this kid going to do next? Clean himself using his tongue?
Kids Will Experiment, No Matter What
Parents are a lot wiser than their kids. Being exposed to the world for years, they know all about the good and bad things in life. They know, for instance, that eating mud is not healthy, nor pleasing. But kids will just not take their parents' word for it! They love to experiment, and they will be the judges of whether eating mud is terrible or not!
Frustratingly, trying to protect your kid can sometimes make you look like an evil character. This little girl knows all about it. She is fed up with being told that she shouldn't be eating mud out of her shoe.
Babies Surprise Us Sometimes
Parents are sometimes given the wrong impression. After restless days of crying and feeding, it's easy to look to your baby and see nothing but a needy pooping machine. But babies are way smarter than we think!
Take this prodigious kid right here. He was not only able to turn the computer on and start playing, but he also figured out a way of drinking milk without hitting the pause button. He has a bright future in telemarketing by the looks of it!
Mommy's Alone Time
Forget the NSA! If there's a real threat to your privacy, that's your kids! Being a mom is about sharing every single occasion with your kids, whether you like it or not! This mom just wanted to take a relaxing bath.
The kids had to leave her alone, so they decided to get comfy for mommy's bath time. When moms need to relax, you know what they have to do. Wait for 10–15 years and send their kids to college! It's the only way out.
Honesty is a Virtue
Unlike adults, kids are not programmed to meet society's unreasonable expectations. They like to take things literally, and they find honesty to be a precious virtue. This kid was asked to wonder what it would be like to be the school principal.
When you're a kid, you don't expect to end up having a job that you see as dull. The school principal? No, this kid is cut for something way better, like being an astronaut, a superhero, or a professional snake catcher.
Yep, That's Science
There's nothing better than having a kid who wants to be a scientist. This means he will work hard in school to learn about math and chemistry. Or does it? To this kid, future dreams of becoming a scientist are based on one single thing: blowing stuff up!
It's probably not what we want from our future scientists. But there's still room for improvement in this kid's career. And even if he doesn't change, well. Someone has to make those fourth of July fireworks!
Beating the Test Like a Boss
Kids taking things way too literally in their school exams seems to be a common theme. But this particular kid has undoubtedly made his parents and teachers proud. Not only did he do exactly what was asked, but he did it masterfully.
Since the goal of the exercise was to show that you know the alphabet, we think this kid deserves an A+. He proved his teacher that there's more than one way of doing something, and doing it right! Next time, it's better to formulate the question more descriptively.
Understanding Social Media Since Early On
We are now super fans of this witty kid, who pulled off a fantastic answer for his school activity. He's not into having 100 friends at all, because he must know exactly how social media works!
While most would not even consider it, this bright kid is showing that he's fully prepared for the future. One hundred friends? That sounds more like a nightmare than a happy party to him. He must be an introvert in the making.
Blue Man Group
When an adult sees a can of paint, he sees a couple of possibilities. Maybe he'll use it for an artwork, or for painting the fence. But when a kid has access to a can of paint, he sees only one thing: becoming blue.
The parents of this kid are in for a long session of cleaning and will probably be finding blue paint in the most unexpected places for days to come. As for the couch? You can give it up; it will be blue! At least they can sign their kid up to join the Blue Man Group as soon as he's old enough.
Chalkboard Nap
This little girl was exhausted and in need of a nap. But there was one problem: she didn't have a bed, nor a pillow. Deciding to keep herself comfy, she drew a pillow with chalk on the floor. It worked! Ready to sleep now!
Her parents could not believe as she peacefully laid down on the floor and closed her eyes. Laughing, they decided to register the occasion with a picture. Gladly so, because no one would believe it otherwise!
Letting Him Win
Games are an essential part of a child's education. Some of the most memorable parent-son moments ever include teaching your son how to ride a bike or throw a ball. One other childhood classic is the game of hide-and-seek, which is a game that some kids are not very good at.
Take this kid. He doesn't realize his disguise is entirely ineffective. For all he knows, his parents are looking at the garden and seeing nothing but his toy car. But he seems so happy that his parents just let him win this one.
Why Kids Need Parents
"Look, mom, a secret cave"! Thank goodness kids can count on their parents to stay alive! The number of dangerous pranks and games they get themselves into would be enough to raise the child mortality rate by 200%. And hiding next to the truck's tires is probably not even the most dangerous thing toddlers are up to these days.
We, adults, think we're really cool with our bungee jumping and parachuting. But the real extreme sport is to be a kid without parental supervision. Fortunately, parents are always there to save them from disaster!