The Monster Truck Threat
At times a bitter warning is exactly what one requires to be forced into shifting gears, particularly when they fail to do something as basic as parking correctly. If you ever find a note on your car's windshield, it is definitely not going to be anything pleasant. After all, they're from people who are annoyed by your incapability to park a vehicle.
In this case, the driver ended up infuriating and causing inconvenience to the owner of a monster truck. So, naturally, the latter had to point out the possibility of crushing the former's car if he repeated the parking mistake.
Blocking the Fire Hydrant
Sometimes when you’re in a rush, you may end up parking the car in the wrong way. Yet, would you be thoughtless enough to station your vehicle in front of a fire hydrant? Sadly, someone here was! So, the firefighters had to use the outdoor pipe as awkwardly as this.
Although fire hydrants are not often used, no one knows when they'll be required to snuff out a fire. So, leaving your cars under the nose of a fireplug is outright illegal. We wish this insensitive driver remembered this parking rule and obeyed it to cause no inconvenience to the firemen.
A Lesson Learnt The Hard Way
Whether it was out of absentmindedness or plain-old ignorance, many of us have parked in the wrong place at least once, if not twice. Luckily, some will get away with it, but like the car owner in this photo, others aren’t so lucky.
If they missed the “No Parking” writing on the trash bins, this time, the staff in charge made sure they wouldn’t miss it on their way out by blocking the car from both ends. They would have to have someone take the bins off before they could drive off. A valuable lesson, yes, and one learned the hard way for sure!
Likely Their First Contest Win
In another episode of ignoring parking rules, we have this car owner who must have done it on purpose. Surely, he must have seen the parking slots to know he could park there and then decided to use two spaces. Look what that earned him – an award!
The photographer, who must have been the person in charge, decided to be sarcastically creative and entertaining about the whole thing. With the award being having your car photographed and hung on the wall for all to see, we’re sure this car owner and others like him were careful not to win another parking contest from then on.
Just Like Royalty
For most of the population, the white stripes on the road mean one thing: Do Not Park. That is because most of us went to traffic school to precisely what the lines on the road mean. Yet, the one rule most driving schools fail to inform us about is that there are an elite group of people exempt from these rules.
When we encounter these royals, the last thing we should do is reprimand them. Nope—our best bet is to curtsey and offer them our car as tribute. Sadly, that is not what this person did when encountering the vehicle of one such royal driver. Foolish commoner. We hope he treats the "princess" parker with more respect in the future.
White Lines
While most of us know what the white lines on the road mean, we will kindly explain to the few who don't know. They are reminders from the government to share the road. They also serve as handy guides for how to park.
Then again, most people don't make use of these valuable tips. This genius is an example of someone who discovered a golden life hack. If you ignore the white lines, you can win yourself a few extra inches of parking space. As a bonus, you'll also make a few thoughtful friends. Like these considerate drivers who secured the driver in with their respective cars for extra security. Talk about having your friend's back—and front.
Wrapped Up
Most people agree that it's not the size of the car that matters; it's how the driver parks it that counts. While most of us stick to one marked-out cubicle on the road, a special few think they're entitled to more than one. Unfortunately, these drivers are not getting gold stars on their licenses soon.
In the case of this bite-sized automobile, let's say that it didn't require the extra parking space. Thankfully, a few good citizens were kind enough to wrap up their car so that they'd feel extra reassured that nobody would scratch their precious vehicle. Such kind people!
You've Been Chopped
This car owner must have rubbed someone the wrong way, possibly with sandpaper, because what happened to this car can only be described as an act of revenge. The actual offense has left a mystery, but whatever it is must have been worth getting axed out.
The slighted Samaritan took the time to purchase not one, not two, not even three, but five individual axes from the mall ahead. Then, they proceeded to bury each of them with passion and precision into the vehicle in question. Whatever the error, we hope that the driver is careful never to repeat it!
Hot Mess
Parking can be challenging for most of us when we first start driving. Some struggle with it for months, while others outright fail years after passing their license test. Still, there are a select few that fail so spectacularly that they are worthy of special recognition.
This hot mess of a driver failed to park within the lines, but they also claimed four different parking spots. We are not sure whether to judge their poor parking skills or congratulate them on the genuinely ridiculous feat. It seems there were a few people who made that decision for themselves. They crowned them with road cones to show that some drivers are beyond any help.
The Parker Luck
When you are worn out fighting supervillains all day, the last thing you want to see is an illegally parked car. But our Spiderman can't ignore any threat to humanity, not even a car that’s parked over two spaces.
The friendly neighborhood hero wrote a letter for the driver, making sure to show their disappointment through a super passive-aggressive tone. Signed off with "xoxo" and a little heart, there is no love lost in the note. That could have gone so much worse though. Imagine seeing your car wrapped up in a web fluid when you need to go somewhere!
Just because you can fit into something, doesn't mean it's yours! This 'Smart' car owner probably forgot that. It might not be a family car, but the small size helps in getting spots in cramped parking spaces. Yet, the driver took advantage of this and decided to park their car in a no-parking area, blocking two vehicles.
Now, the owners of the other two cars weren't ready to let this fly. Thanks to its size (again!), they immediately came up with a makeshift parking lock-up for the mini car. Hopefully, the driver has learned their lesson and the poor car will not have to suffer another detention.
The Internet Infamy
With everyone having a smartphone now, you never know when your stupidity will become a viral meme online. A lousy parking job is not what you want to be famous for, definitely. Nevertheless, this driver found themselves in such a situation.
A menacing note awaited them on the windshield of the car. The driver was not necessarily an inconvenience to anyone, but it looks like the writer had a bad day and took it out on this poor driver. They didn’t mince their words while describing the driver’s parking skills or lack thereof. The writer ended the note with a threat to post the picture of their badly parked car online.
A Ballad for Bad Parking
The greatest moments of art aren’t deliberate, but spontaneous. This person took a bad parking job as an inspiration to unleash their creativity and wrote a passive-aggressive poem to let the driver know how bothered they are.
It’s worth noting how the handwriting of the writer started getting more erratic with each line. The anger was palpable. According to the writer, when you park like a fool, people lose their temper, energy, and the ability to write proper grammar, and they have made sure the driver knows. Well, dear readers, learn proper parking and stay safe from punching poems.
Parking Picasso
Sometimes the notes on the windshield aren’t deterrent enough for habitual parking offenders. Much to the pedestrians' chagrin, this particular driver parked on the sidewalk.
There was growing unrest among people nearby. Kind requests didn’t have any effect on the driver. Even after repeated warnings, the driver didn’t budge, as if daring the people to make the vehicle move. The people happily obliged, just not in the way the person expected. Instead of hurling some colorful words at the driver, they decided to turn the parked vehicle into their canvas. Not going to lie; the yellow and red on the black car look kind of nice, don't they?
Driving Lessons Gift
When someone parks like this, it only makes sense to assume that they must have missed some driving lessons. Here, someone took the space designated for two vehicles and left their car, so this couple decided to write them a check for some driving lessons at the driving school.
‘Bad Parker’ sounds like the logical name for a person with these driving skills, and the giant pen guarantees that they’ll sign the check on time for the person not to miss another lesson. Their chance is gone, but maybe they protect someone from facing the same situation and also put a smile on their face.
Leave a Special Note
Have you ever wanted to tell someone what you really think of their parking skills? Nothing feels more annoying than someone who parks like they forget about the existence of other people. So, it makes sense that you would like to leave them a little note to remind them of their mistake.
While we don’t really want the driver to pay for polishing their vehicle, some people need to be reminded of common courtesy. Yet, we hope the person who wrote this reminder in capital letters used some chocolate syrup and not a permanent marker to write their note.
Remember Hellen Keller?
Hellen Keller was an American author, educator, and activist who was also born blind and deaf. She was a disability rights advocate and a lecturer who toured the globe to speak for those who lost their vision. Yet, the person who wrote this on someone’s car forgot about all of this and just referred to the fact that she couldn’t see.
On the one hand, it’s great to be compared to such an amazing person who achieved a lot for those who didn’t have anyone to speak on their behalf. On the other hand, it’s pretty obvious that this is a low blow, but can we admit that we actually laughed at this one?
Special-Made Parking Lot for You
When someone doesn’t acknowledge the existence of parking lines, all they need is a little reminder. We think that this might have been a passerby or someone who really wanted to park their car and found that this person took two spots because they just don’t care.
In case this person comes from a planet where it’s OK to take two parking slots, the artist decided to draw special lines for them to mark their parking spot. They also left them a note as a reminder of their excellent parking skills. We guess they’ll always think twice before they do this again.
Homemade Violation Ticket Gone Right
At first glance, the person receiving this ticket will be a little scared. Yet, when they actually take time to read it, they’ll know that this ticket isn’t legally binding, although it’s a reminder that they need to think twice before parking badly.
The person who wrote and printed the ticket went out of their way to prove to the bad driver how annoying their actions can be by listing the number of items that could have fit in their parking space. They even mentioned that they would have given them two tickets if they could and made some funny yet evil wishes at them at the end of the tickets, so the driver definitely got the message.
You're Not Getting Out!
Parking is the most unchallenging part of driving. It’s when you put a vehicle to a halt and leave it temporarily in a car park. Yet, somehow some people make this sluggard maneuver that requires only a scrap of anyone’s brain function, such as a back-breaking endeavor. It’s honestly perplexing.
We believe this particular driver has the general attitude of, ‘So, what are you going to do about it?’, hence the haphazard parking. Unfortunately, incoming cars are not having it. They ganged up and blocked the odd one out in an inescapable position. Worst of luck for the chauffeur, but you know what they say; do unto others, and they will do it to you, tenfold.
Meanwhile, at the Dumpster
Typically, cars are only made for driving unless you do something to rouse the neighborhood. Then that would entirely be a different story, serving as a cautionary tale for all the troublemakers. A very simple bad decision that
now leaves your four-wheeled vehicle with garbage problems—like literally.
Parking poorly has never benefitted anyone, more so in this situation. If you miss the reek, then the mountain of refuse will surely imply that this is not the best parking spot. Yet the driver insisted anyway, and the people nearby retaliated by turning the precious automobile into a stopgap for a large trash receptacle. So rather than risk a parking disaster, better keep away from the dumpster.
The Odd One Out
Nobody said anything about exclusivity, so we can’t entirely fault the bicycle for parking in the wrong spot. However, aren’t the lines of cars and ample space loud enough to announce that perhaps it’s straddling the wrong lane? The two-wheeled vehicle seemingly wants to level with the big boys, whether the cyclist just doesn’t care or this is another case of bad parking.
As a result of the first picture, the one below shows the peril of not taking a hint. Where did the bike go exactly? Zoom in, and you’ll see it went flying up on the bushes several feet away from its previous landing. That’s a scary way of saying "learn how to park"!
A Message from Above
Life is simple. You make bad decisions; you get bad results. In this picture, we learned that just because no one's looking doesn't mean you will get away with it. By fate or perhaps bad luck, mother nature went out of its way to call someone out for illegal parking, and all it took was one nasty weather.
There's a name for this, called karma in a pretense of serendipity. See how the fallen trees missed the other two cars parked legally but not the one idling in the illegal zone? Yes, the prize for acing the lousy driver's handbook is a deformed tin can. Perhaps, it's about time for an auto insurance visit.
Be Warned, It’s the Tater Militia
Kudos to the person behind these crafty hands, who took the time to carve out the four members of the potato clan—very impressive. Folks, this is what you call art straight from bad parking behavior, a rare occurrence wherein a pull-up mistake gets the credit for bringing in the fancy potato collection. In all honesty, this might be the only time we’re admiring the wrong parking choice.
We don’t want any trouble for the parking offender, but we’re curious what the produce army would look like. If the person was prepared to unleash the tater militia, does that mean there’s an entire sack of sculptured potato ready in arms? Too bad we’re never going to find out.
Hood Slide Counterplay
While you’re on your way to the office, you’re faced with the morning’s biggest roadblock. It's the lousy driver again in a car-blocking episode. Unfortunately, this isn’t just a one-moment occurrence but rather an everyday routine that’s not even funny anymore. So, you’re thinking about dealing with it in the best possible way. Since you’re particularly athletic, you decide to practice your hood slide maneuver.
By the way, we love the optimistic attitude. Remember, when life gives you lemons, learn to juggle. It’s exactly what this fellow did, sealed with a note, thanking the parking delinquent for the chance to feel like a movie star. You should try it sometime, Mr. White-Car owner, it’s awesome!
That Motorist Started It
Is it too much to ask to park like a normal person? Like station your car in the correct spaces to avoid an awkward interruption with fellow vehicles. Apparently, some hard-bitten motorists pride themselves on bad parking like this troublemaker here. About the time they get a taste of their own medicine—yes?
Bravo, monster truck owner, for following the parking guidelines, despite that certain someone missing the rules. Hence, what do you need "excuse me" for if you can just drive over the hood? In that way, you’re confident that you got the point across. Perhaps too loudly, but hey, the white car had it coming straddling across several spots like that.
Trapped on Both Ends
There are a few mishaps in life that you do not want to be a part of. Obviously, getting jammed is one of them. We don’t know the entire story here, but it seems like the driver had completely overstepped to deserve this mighty jab. Phew! Imagine going to lengths blocking someone out on both ends.
The picture tells us that this car will take some time to get back on the road. There are only two ways to go about this situation, risk a messy crash or call for an ‘SOS’ to drag these monstrous hurdles off the path. It might actually be the first time we wish for a parking ticket instead.
Quite A Parking Job
We can all assume that there are people who adore their cars so much they don’t want them getting rained on. Either that or they have a knack for breaking the parking regulation. So, though we have every intention of passing judgment on this sneaky fellow, we’re going to make sense first of how this pull-up joke came about.
Just when you thought every space was taken in a packed parking lot, a miracle spot opened, and lucky for you, it has a roof. Smart thinking, right? Hardly so because, as it turns out, it’s not a parking space but rather a shopping cart place. You went for it anyway and pushed aside the solo cart to accomplish the agenda.
Take a Hint!
Let this be a warning that you shouldn’t get carried away upon seeing a parking spot opening, especially if it’s placed next to a fire hydrant. Trust us; you don’t want your vehicle to get between a truckload of water and a fire outbreak. It’s not very smart. Yet somehow, some people just don’t get it.
Here’s a question, would you rather have a parking ticket or come out with busted windows and a possible water leakage inside your car? Well, this driver opted for the latter, confidently thinking they wouldn’t do it. However, the firefighters didn’t even think twice about punching the windows and running the hose through when a fire broke out.
You Mess with The Wrong Grass
It doesn't matter if you understand their language. Actions speak louder, so you'll definitely get the message on the first try. If you plan to travel abroad and cruise the foreign streets, you need to be careful with some strict country protocols so that you won't provoke the parking police. You don't want to be called out most embarrassingly for messing with the parking manual, do you?
Oh, look, there's a toilet on the hood of somebody's car. Now, do you finally get how badly you parked? They really mean it when they say to keep your wheels off the grass. This is Russia, folks; these guys don't joke around with parking crooks.