We live in a wonderful world. In less than one or two days, it's possible to order something online and receive it at our front door without even having to leave the house. It's a consumer paradise! But in the process, things don't always go according to plan. When delivery workers get a little bit lazy, or a little too creative, the whole system can start looking more like a comedy movie than a capitalist utopia.
Today, we will be taking a look at some of the funniest delivery fails ever caught on camera. From poorly concealed packages to hilarious notes from the customers, there's only one guarantee: these outrageous fails will make you laugh.
Can You Read, Mr. UPS Man?
As the years go by, elderly people can experience some hearing complications. Because their ears are not as sharp as they used to be, Mr. and Mrs. Currier have missed a couple of deliveries while at home. They were simply unable to hear that someone was knocking at the door. But this time, they had a perfect plan.
They left a note, kindly addressed to the UPS man, in which they assured him they were home. But the delivery worker wasn't in the mood for a couple of minutes of heavy-knocking. Not only did he ignore the message, but he left the UPS notice right on top of the Currier's note!
Animal Cruelty
There are at least two kinds of cruelty in this picture. First, it's the poor spider, lifelessly trapped between the tape and the package. Second, it's the cruelty against the customer, who was probably scared to death after seeing this creature attached to the delivery.
We guess that all we can say about it is that things can go wrong in the modern delivery world. That spider was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But we find it odd that every delivery worker happened to miss the giant dead bug in one of their packages...
Regrets Are Not Enough
You know it's going to be a hard day at work when you're supposed to deliver a package of cow feces. But things can only get worse. When that package of cow feces ends up spilling over the rest of your mail, all that's left to do is to try to fix the situation to the best of your ability.
In this case, regrets are not enough. But at least the delivery person was honest enough to admit that cow feces were involved in this whole mess. This is one of the main reasons why e-mail has become so popular over the years.
Cardboard vs. Acid
This is a case of a delivery company going over the top to deliver something they're not prepared to handle. If you're going to ship dangerous corrosive materials, the least you can do is have a special set of anti-corrosion packages. Otherwise, the result can be this life-threatening mess.
This package was labeled as 'fragile', but do you know what's also fragile? Human life! We hope that no one lost a hand during this hazardous transaction, but by looking at the picture, we're not so sure!
Perfect Camouflage
The instructions said to leave the package behind the plant pot. It all seemed normal until the delivery man finally saw the pot. He was imagining a big and heavy pot, but it turns out he would have to deal with something that looked like a toy prop from the latest Aladdin movie.
In the delivery world, the customer is king. And, no matter how unreasonable, his request must always be respected. Even if it results in a laughable case of horrible camouflage. The probability that this package will get stolen in the next 10 minutes? Let's say it's 50/50.
A Killer Package
Picture the scene: When the detectives arrived, it was clear to them that foul play was involved. This didn't look like a case of garden gnome suicide. After carefully inspecting the area, they realized that the garden gnome was most likely killed by a package that was delivered way too recklessly.
The package was quickly confiscated and taken to the squad. Meanwhile, the garden gnome was given a proper funeral. The killer was found, but the good police work was never going to be able to ease the pain of the gnome's family.
The New Sport: Fencethrowing
There's a new sport that's growing increasingly popular amongst FedEx workers. Let's call it fencethrowing. It's when you deliver your packages very quickly by throwing them over people's fences as far as you can. It's super fun, especially when you're dealing with fragile items like this new TV screen.
Seriously, it's not cool to treat customer's packages like this. No matter how cold it is, you should always do your best to ensure quality and safety upon delivery... People tend to like their products better when they're not completely ruined!
George Washington is Watching
Hilarious delivery moments are usually provided by the delivery workers. But the package receptors also play their part, being sometimes capable of the most creative and funny ideas. This message is so enjoyable that we believe it's worth way more than a dollar!
From the generous $1 tip to the 12 dogs reference, this is the kind of message that we expect to make even the grumpiest delivery worker smile. Their job is far from easy, but people with a good sense of humor always help to make this world a better place.
Your Package, Ma'am
Well, these customers were kind of asking for it. When you have a butler stranded on your porch, it's only natural that he starts taking care of some of the work. In this case, it's the delivery man's job that makes us feel bad. Can you imagine how scared he must have felt?
Not only does Nestor the Butler looks like a serial-killer coming straight out of a horror movie, but he also has the creepiest smile on his wax-like face. There are better ways of keeping unwanted visitors off your porch, even though we cannot think of one right now.
All Bark, No Bite
Attempts of concealing customer packages cannot make us stop laughing. This time, a very creative delivery worker decided to move a small plant from its original position to masterfully conceal two boxes. He did a great job, don't you think?
The resident also thought so. He loved the scene so much that he decided to photograph it when he arrived home. Fortunately, his dog is all bark, no bite, even though this is a release-the-hounds type of situation.
Package Camouflage Made Right
So far, we've been very harsh on some lazy delivery workers. But they're not all so bad. They have a tough job, and they still find the time and creativity to pull something like this off. We have some hilarious camouflage jobs for you, but this one takes the prize for most original.
It takes a brilliant mind to think of disguising a due package as a pillow. The set-up is wonderful, and it honestly took us a couple of seconds to even notice there was a package! Respect is the word on our minds right now.
That Smile Looks Creepier Than Ever
Poor Jessie Lawrence almost panicked after realizing he was stuck in his own house. At first, he thought the door was jammed, and he even feared that something criminal was going on. But it turns out it was all due to this poorly-placed Amazon package.
While, in this case, the blame goes entirely to the UPS delivery man, it's unsettling to look at this image and see that big Amazon smile in the package. As if the package itself was enjoying the horror it was inflicting on Jessie.
Special Requirements
All Nicole Davies wanted was to surprise her mother with a secret Mother's Day gift. But the delivery company decided not to collaborate. Special requirements don't sound so special when you realize the delivery workers don't pay any attention to them!
The result is an angry Nicole, a ruined surprise, and a very funny Twitter post. They should not have printed Nicole's message in the box, but to be fair, was there anything they could do so the box wouldn't look so obvious?
Straight-to-Door Delivery
Straight-to-door delivery is a staple of our modern and convenient society. But some delivery workers seem to have taken the expression way too literally. Mr. FedEx van driver, you don't need to get that close!
Some people live life to the fullest, and this man is only guilty of doing his job too well. But we don't think the house owners will be exactly grateful of his remarkable professional diligence. The next delivery on their list will be a brand-new door!
Getting Priorities All Wrong
We do not live in a perfect world. You can have beautiful flowers by your door, or you can have your next package delivered. But you cannot have both. At least, that's what delivery workers seem to believe!
This flower-hating delivery worker cannot stand the sight of beauty during his hardworking shift. Probably unhappy at his job, he's on a mission: to make everyone feel as miserable as he does. Even if that means destroying a bunch of innocent flowers.
Only in Alaska
In most forms, the 'other' box is nothing but a formality. Most people end up never using it. But for this delivery worker, the 'other' box suddenly makes a whole lot of sense. He has a very special reason for why he missed his latest delivery, and, believe it or not, it's a bear!
Having a bear at the door is the perfect way of keeping everybody away. It's probably even a good tactic to use to avoid tax collectors! But if you want to continue using delivery services, finding a more-friendly pet is probably something to consider.
Happy... Birthday?
Birthdays are the best. The day is all about you, and you cannot wait to receive grandma's postcard in the mail. When it finally arrives, you cannot contain your joy while you open it. But then, reality hits, and you suddenly realize with horror that grandma's birthday card was delivered through the postal service.
Soon enough, your birthday dreams turn into a nightmare. Grandma's kind words are not only damaged but literally cut in half! Not even cash was able to survive the postal service's recklessness. Now, who's going to pay for grandma's $46 present?
Why Even Send It?
Postal service disasters don't get any better than this. This letter was labeled as 'important information', but that's about all that's left of it. The inside probably looks like a riddle; a message so torn to pieces that it's nearly indecipherable. But to top it all, the postal services had the nerve to attach their pre-made apology sticker to the "letter".
Why even send something like this? This letter is in such a bad state that it looks like it went through a paper shredder before delivery.
Fencethrowing 2.0
Remember the honorable sport of fencethrowing? We give you the 2.0 version, in which delivery workers tie their packages to a rope before throwing it over the fence. Can you imagine the face of the resident when he first saw this?
Shocking as it seems, this prison-escape-inspired technique is actually safer for packages than your regular, no strings attached fencethrowing. Still, this means nothing but extra fun for the delivery workers and extra problems for the people paying for their "services".
Safe & Hidden
Overpacking is becoming a real issue nowadays. These customers thought their latest package was going to fit right under the doormat, but they were completely fooled. Fortunately, the delivery person was able to respect their requirements entirely.
He did a good job following instructions, didn't he? Everything is technically going right according to plan, even though this was most likely not what the customers had in mind. There's nothing like the joy of a job well done!
Under the Tree
For another example of camouflage expertise, let's admire this very well-concealed Amazon box. Hidden under a small piece of wood, this package sat bu itself on somebody's porch the whole day without being stolen. Now that's luck!
This hiding attempt is so poorly crafted that you have to see it for what it probably is: a joke from the delivery workers. Judging by his look, even that small wooden owl seems to be awestruck by this camouflaging disaster.
Odd But Effective
Delivery workers are forced to deal with some weird requests from their clients. But sometimes, contrary to all expectations, these actually seem to work! Leaving a package "inside bush" seemed like a terrible idea at first. But guess what? This package is as safe and concealed as it could ever be.
Considering this is a package from Amazon, it makes sense that it finds its final destination in a bushy tree. That's as close as Amazon will ever get to the actual amazon jungle.
Package? What Package?
Here's yet another case of a client underestimating the size of a package. Confident that a small bucket would do the trick, he instructed the delivery men to conceal his package underneath a humble bucket. The result is this hilarious camouflage fail!
It looks less like the package is hidden underneath a bucket, and more like the package is wearing a funny bucket-shaped hat. We're pretty sure even the customer himself laughed at this when he arrived home.
Welcome to Australia
Guess what: fencethrowing is not an all-American sport. Just like soccer and rugby, it's also popular in Australia, the land where bugs are as big as your head, where kangaroos roam free, and where angry homeowners can take the liberty of filming you and threatening to break your legs.
But as it turns out, fencethrowing athletes are not very popular amongst the Aussies. Especially those with dogs who love to bite all kinds of stuff that end up in their lawn...
'Near' is a Broad Term
When the shift of a postal service worker starts running out, they have to run and deliver their packages as fast as possible. This means they can't always find the time to walk to your front door to deliver something. Sometimes, all they can do is throw the package out of their moving vehicle like in an action movie.
The result is a scenario like this. They're obliged to leave the package near your front door, but 'near' is a term that's very hard to define. The front lawn is near enough, right?
Bending the Rules
Ask any delivery worker: apartments are the worst! Apartment mailboxes are just not big enough to deliver most kinds of packages, and delivery people are sometimes forced to "bend the rules". Luckily, most packages come with a nice amount of empty space to make for moments like this.
If whatever product is in there is broken or not, that's something we can only wonder. But for now, we have to admire the improvisation skills of this delivery worker.
Fragile is Just a Word
When your job consists of delivering hundreds of packages every single day, it's just normal that you start losing respect for your client's property. This package was labeled as 'fragile', but that still didn't prevent it from looking like it came straight out of a war zone.
Now all that's left for the client to do is to file a complaint. Whatever was in there, there's a likely chance that it has not arrived in one piece. Next time, it's maybe better to buy directly from the store!
It's Just a Scratch...
Labeling a package as 'fragile' doesn't always seem to work. That's why this glass company makes sure to put a big picture of their logo on every package. It should be an infallible solution. But delivery workers have no respect for the "class of glass".
The result is this hazardous mess. There's not a single glass in there that's not completely broken, and not even the protective plastic was enough to keep these glasses safe from the rage of the delivery men.
The Secret Compartment
Delivery workers can get on our nerves sometimes, but we have to praise their problem-solving skills. When this delivery person realized there was no one home, he immediately inspected the surroundings to find a well-secluded place.
The hideout he discovered was so good that he even had to inform the house owners that there was a package waiting for them. We're guessing nobody, not even the people living there, was aware there was a secret compartment right above their front door.
Said and Done!
Dogs are loving and amazing, but they do like to bite everything they get their paws on. When you're the owner of a particularly energetic dog, extraordinary measures need to be taken now and then. Measures such as this hilarious message.
We hope that we're talking about a small dog here. Otherwise, that UPS guy is in some serious trouble! This dog is so relentless that he even bites the note that's supposed to keep him from biting other things.
The USPS Does It Again!
Kristen Wiig is a great cover subject, but magazines don't feel like much if all you're given is the cover! This postal services customer could not believe it when she received nothing but the cover of her favorite magazine. Why was this even sent?
To make it worse, the postal services decided to attach an apology message that does not make up for the fact that a magazine-less magazine was received! If all the recipient wanted was to look at the cover, they could've easily gone to the 7/11 and seen it for free...
Funny Doormat Gets Even Funnier
Delivery workers concealing packages under doormats results in some of the most hilarious delivery fails. But when even the doormat is attempting to make a joke, the whole scene looks even funnier!
Wiener-dogs, also known as dachshunds, are utterly cute and very easy to laugh at. But the extremely poor camouflaging job put together by this delivery worker ends up stealing the show. Next time, it's better to buy a bigger doormat just to prevent situations like this. The grass is greener under my... English mastiff?
Pure Genoiu
We have to admit that we were skeptical. But there seems to be a way of effectively hiding a package under the doormat. The trick, as you can see in this picture, is to use the door to guarantee some additional coverage.
We never thought we would be saying this, but... Good job, delivery man! The residents at 239 were so impressed by your problem-solving skills that they decided to immortalize the moment with a picture.
Footprint Evidence
When this FedEx customer opened his package and found it to be damaged, he immediately started looking for the culprit. Luckily, the offender left a clear piece of evidence behind, in the form of a footprint.
Knowing that some delivery people have the nasty habit of stepping on top of the packages is something to worry about. But we thought they would at least have the nerve to clean their footmarks before finishing the delivery!
How More Horrible Can It Get?
We've heard over and over that big corporations are evil. But we were not prepared for this! When a package gets to your house covered in what seems like real blood, isn't it time to call the police?
Getting a blood-covered package looks like the first scene of a cheap horror flick, but it happened to someone out there! All we hope is that those spatters don't correspond to blood, but rather wine or some other kind of red liquid. Still, it's not cool to scare your customers like that!
Brand-New Microwave
Isn't it lovely when you spend your hard-earned money to buy a new microwave and then it's ruined upon arrival? No, it's not! It's frustrating and somewhat puzzling. What happened to this product? Was it in a car crash? Did it owe money to the mob?
Since this microwave seems to be made of a very resistant material, we can only guess it was dropped off of a building or beat up with a baseball bat at the distribution center. Either way, the customers are the ones who are now forced to return it and wait for a new one.
Just a Little Peep
It seems like some delivery workers could not contain their curiosity before delivering this small package. They had to open it up and take a look at what was inside.
The man who received this mess called customer service, who informed him that the package went from weighing 3 lbs to weighing 0 lbs in the distribution center. Didn't they found it odd that they were sending a weightless package? Or are people sending packed air to each other now?
DIY Mailbox
The residents of this house have been working on the perfect DIY mailbox to store their mail. They call it the dirt hole, and we find it to be an accurate description. Can you imagine how the delivery man must have felt when he realized there was an actual dirt hole in there for him to leave the package?
FedEx employees are used to seeing the best and the worst during their day-to-day adventures. Nobody is going to step into a dirt hole to steal a package, but we still think a prettier mailbox would do wonders for this house's front porch.